


Località: Via S. Girolamo, 22 - Sant'Agata Feltria - Rimini

Rural Arts Museum

The historical events wanted this structure, was originally built to be the abode of the Fathers of the Congregation of Saint Jerome, was also intended for different uses in time. The exhibition at the Museum of Rural arts winds through different routes: the first is dedicated to the memory of the rural civilization, arts and crafts connected thereto, last but not least among these is the art of getting by with what we had at his disposal and the good sense of wasting nothing. The museum is then entitled and inspired by the figure of Don Olinto Marella, better known in the Bolognese but also here, where he was and worked for several years.

Input to free offer.
Timetable from May to October: Sat 15-18 and Dom 9-12, 15-18.

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