


Località: Piazza Martiri della Libertà  - Salbertrand - Torino
Phone number: 0122 854720

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Church of St. John the Baptist at Salbertrand

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Church of St. John the Baptist at Salbertrand

The first mention of the Church finds herself in a diploma of 1057, the year in which the ancient building was donated to the prevostura Oulx by Oddone of Moriana Savoia and by the Countess Adelaide. The parish was remade in the subsequent centuries, suffering the almost total reconstruction in the course of the XVI century. After this intervention does not underwent significant changes and now is one of the finest and richest examples of alpine churches in late gothic style.

The parish church of Salbertrand introduces a rich decorative apparatus, both internal and external, and is also the only church in the Susa Valley to be equipped with a monumental porch, realized in 1536 by as a stonecutter of Melezet Matheus Rode. The exterior has a beautiful depiction of the Cavalcade of the Vices and Virtues of the early sixteenth century, recently restored and a time completed from depiction of the infernal penis, now unfortunately disappeared. The lunette over the entrance portal is decorated with the depiction of piety. Inside there are various frescoes, dating back to between the XIV and the XVI century that embellish the walls and vaults of the side aisles.

The right aisle hosts the scenes from the life of S. Antonio, the work of the painter Johannes Dideri of Avigliana and dated to 1508, in addition to the depictions of the SS. Cosma and Damiano and the scenes of the Assumption of the Virgin and of Our Lady of Mercy. The left nave has instead on the altar is a suggestive representation of the Virgin with S. John the Evangelist of the XIV century, and the scenes of piety, of the beginning of the XVI century. Next to the entrance portal is finally present the depiction of the Universal Judgment, flanked by a suggestive dance macabre.

Remarkable is also the wooden furnishings, represented by the monumental retable of the altar, the work of Jean Faure of Thures dated 1667, and the choir of 1530-40. From an architectural point of view are to report some capitals of the choir and of the left aisle, dating back to the XII century and probably reused in the era of reconstruction in the 16th century. The church also houses, in the sacristy, a small museum that exposes the vestments and sacred furnishings coming from the parish church and the chapels in the territory of Salbertrand.

The site is inserted in the path of the visit of the Ecomuseum Colombano Romean.

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