


Località: Largo Aretusa - Ortigia - Siracusa
Phone number: 333 1674461

Syracuse Tropical Aquarium

un pesce che nuota in un corallo

The Syracuse Tropical Aquarium is a place open to the public where there are various fish coming mostly from the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, including the coasts aretusee, finally lakes and rivers of tropical environments such as South America and Africa. Its dimensions for amplitude are modest but its original site deserves attention historic because it is an ancient tunnel, or better the tunnel dug in 1676 in the Spanish Era to allow two strong military ortigiani to exceed the source and reach the harbor of Siracusa. The aquarium has its output within the Fonte Aretusa.

Opening times: every day including holidays
from October to February: 10-17
March to May: 10-19.30
from June to September: 10-20
From 15/07 to 15/08 up to 22.