


Località: Piazza Papa Pio XII, 2 - Onano - Viterbo


Church of the Holy Cross at Onano

The Church of Santa Croce in Onano, dating back to the late 13th century, è an enchanting church that rises above the skyline of Onano in the Viterbese region. Although it was destroyed during an air raid in 1944, it was rebuilt in 1956, preserving its ancient charm.

In its interior, the one-nave church houses fine works of art, including a Madonna and Child and a Deposition made by sculptor Dante Ruffini, and terracotta Stations of the Cross created by Claudio Ferri, a local artist.

Of the original structure, the striking Romanesque bell tower remains. The 2011 renovation gave the church a new marble splendor, with hydraulic heating under the floor, a new altar, and a three-arched endonarthex at the entrance. A large bronze cross towers over the altar, surrounded by marble columns supporting the temple-like tabernacle.

A particularly noteworthy fresco depicts the Agnus Dei surrounded by the apostles in the form of sheep, all topped by the Latin inscription “HOC SIGNUM CRUCIS ERIT IN COELO”.

The church also preserves the remains of Pievano Bartolomeo Ferri, the gilded wooden busts of Saints Tryphon and Dove, and a painting depicting Our Lady of Good Counsel.

Outdoors, the square houses a marble statue of the Madonna, affectionately called the “White Madonna” by the people of Onano.

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