


LocalitĂ : Piazza Duomo, 7 - Montalbano Elicona - Messina

Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta and San Nicolò Vescovo

The origins of the Duomo of Montalbano Elicona date back to the IX-X century. Its construction has a single nave and is closely linked to the events of the castle of Montalbano Elicona. The first written documentation on the Church of San Nicola dates back to the first decade of the fourteenth century, treats from Rationes Decimarum in that period.

Building rebuilt and enlarged in 1646 alongside the central nave the two side aisles, the reconstruction operations determine the change in orientation. The tilting of the axis has allowed the realization of a stagy view placed on top of a beautiful staircase which amplifies the stateliness. The bell tower, built between 1665-1673, it softens the severity of the forms with its battlements.

The basilican system is a latin cross with wide nave with a trussed roof, the walls are enriched by friezes, rosettes and stuccoes. Along the aisles with five arches each, are arranged five smaller altars on the left, four altars and a side entrance on the right. The interior space is divided into three naves by means of robust pillars on which open up large round arches. The central nave is enriched by medallions in stucco depicting biblical characters. The roof consists of wooden beams carved and painted.

Very important is the cult that many cities in Sicily give to the Virgin Mary that is based on the ratio of correspondence between the Embassy of the Senate of Messina and Mary the Mother of Jesus Christ, Mother of God, Mother of the Church according to the dogma Theotokos formulated by the Council of Ephesus reaffirming some principles of the Council of Nicea. Stronger link from the evangelizing work of the Apostles, Saint Paul in the first person. In all senses the Virgin Mary is the Patroness of the main town of the island, principal patron of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and current Patron Saint of Sicily, you are devoted most of the cathedrals and the main buildings of cult. The cult of San Nicola, introduced the Basilian Monks of the Greek rite in the epoch of the Greek Byzantine-is common in many centers of the district.

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