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Phone number: 0973 876224

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Cathedral of San Biagio

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Cathedral of San Biagio

The sanctuary of San Biagio in Maratea is located at the highest point of the oldest part of the village, said Castle, and houses the relics of the Patron Saint Biagio. Tradition is built on the site of a pagan temple dedicated to Minerva. When he received the relics of the holy Armenian, became the sanctuary of Saint Biagio, chosen as patron of the city: this event is commonly dated to the year 732. Day 4 March 1562, the Pope Pius IV granted a treasure of indulgences to the church and knew what for Catholics is the miracle of the Holy manna.

The facade of the church has a portico with three arches in neoclassical style, with four columns that support a triangular gable, in which there is located a niche with a small statue of San Biagio in white marble. The church is divided in four environments: three naves and the presbytery, almost as big as the central nave.

The oldest work is present in the church is the fresco representing the Madonna with the Child, commonly called Madonna of the Pomegranate, dated to the late 15th century, located on the first pillar on the left of the nave. Follows the tabernacle in marble, dated 1519, donated to the Church by William Diodato. The work represents an ark, complete with prayerful that contemplate the SS. The Sacrament. The ancient baptismal font in stone, placed between a lateral nave and the central one, is dated to the XV-XVI century.

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