


Località: Via S. Agostino, 5B - Corciano - Perugia

St. Augustine’s Church and Convent

Its building was authorized by Pope John XXII with the papal bull of 1334. The gothic church underwent several modifications in the course of the centuries; toward the half of the XVIII century came the intervention more consistent, which radically changed the interior, eliminating the arches of the support and trussed roof. Along the nave were housed the four statues of San Macario, San Michele Arcangelo, San Sebastiano and San Rocco. At San Sebastian and San Rocco was titled a brotherhood which had its headquarters in the church of Sant’Agostino. In the apse, above the wooden choir of the XVIII century, was until 1879 The Gonfalon painted by Benedetto Bonfigli (and aid) in 1472 for this church, now preserved in the parish church of Santa Maria.

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