


Località: Via Guglielmo Marconi, 22 - Viggianello - Potenza
Phone number: 0973 664311

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Castle of Viggianello

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Castle of Viggianello

Castle of Viggianello

The first fortified settlement dates back to the Roman period with the construction of a castrum to control of the valley below and the many major roads that cross on the hill greenhouse and already choose apply from the Greeks the Achaeans. Following the Byzantines became the administrative center of the Kastrion that encased within solid walls, also the agricultural village which developed between the districts of Cell and Ravita. The Normans built the solid tower with a square base and ripristinarono the walls of the village of which remain a few sporadic and traces. The Swabians will expand the structure and the abbelliranno of friezes typical of the art federiciana cultured. In its rooms for well twice stayed the Emperor of Swabia Frederick II in the 13th century. The seat of the feudatory in Angevin age and Aragonese, the donjon assumed considerable size and became the military center and administrative of a vast territory, one of the most populated and defended the Basilicata and Bruzio. In the XVI century the principles Sanseverino transformed the fortress in the palace, cease now the defense needs. It was seized in the XV century by Consalvo de Cordoba.

Yet it retains the ancient cistern but you do not have traces of the elusive secret passage that through the bowels of the country led in channel Carella, allowing the Castellani to save themselves, in the case in which the castle was conquered. Within the walls of the castle took refuge the French General Grasson with his garrison in 1806 chased by brigante Muscariello local at the head of a large band of Bourbons.

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