


Località: 84040 - Camerota - Salerno

Chapel of St. Anthony

St. Anthony’s Chapel is a place of worship and devotion located in Cilento, whose origins date back to the 16th century, when it was built as a simple wayside shrine. On May 3, 1653, Bishop Filippo Giacomo consecrated the new chapel, which became a true place of prayer and religious celebration.

In 1701, the University of Camerota assumed the right of patronage over the chapel and appointed the administrator of the property, further consolidating the importance of the structure in the religious life of the community.

Among the stories and legends that gravitate around the Chapel of St. Anthony, the best known and most evocative one is related to a sailor who, during a terrible storm at sea, saw himself lost in the raging waves. In panic, the sailor noticed a light that showed him the way back to land: that light appeared on St. Anthony’s Mount. As a result of this miraculous event, the sailor decided to have the chapel built there as a thanksgiving and testimony to his salvation.

Currently, St. Anthony’s Chapel is opened to the faithful on June 13, on the feast day dedicated to the saint. On this special day, the community gathers to celebrate St. Anthony and pray at the site, which, according to tradition, is a tangible symbol of divine protection for sailors and all those who invoke his help.

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