As clearly indicates their name, the catacombs were located at the tenth mile of the ancient Latin Way (today at the height of km. 6 the Via Anagnina). These catacombs are among the most famous in the area for the excellent state of conservation of two galleries excavated in the tufa and with a barrel vaulted ceiling, which branch out in minor arms for a total of 225 meters. The two galleries have a difference in height of about one meter, for this call are the catacombs to double continuous plane. At the entrance is visible the arcosolium with a candlestick of marble used as pillar; inside are kept approximately one thousand tombs (II-V century d.C.), most of which are still intact and some wall paintings of the IV and V century to note are the marble slabs positioned to close the niches, distinct from epigraphs and graffiti, modest, that indicate the character poor of construction. Guided tours on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 16 to 18.30 – Other days upon request.