


Località: Piazza Quarto Stato, 1 - Volpedo - Alessandria
Phone number: 0131 80318

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Giuseppe Pellizza widespread museum

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Giuseppe Pellizza widespread museum

The path winds in six rooms in which is divided the ground floor of the palace. Explanatory panels, photographic images, documents and various objects have in different sections Volpedo and Pellizza himself in his family and in his biography, examining pictural rendering of the artist’s journey from Realism to Symbolism, with attention to the cycles inspired by the theme of love and of nature. Particular attention has been given to the “construction” of the work of art, especially through the examples of Procession (crucial work in the moment of passage to the prior divisionist) and the fourth state, the elaboration of which ten years is devoted ample space.
There then follow specific sections on the technique that allow you to bring the pellizziana workshop in more depth, scandagliando all material aspects of making art: the first color, with the reconstruction of the pigments used by Pellizza, but also supports the preparation of canvases, the frames.

On the color and technique have been conducted special insights, thanks to sophisticated non destructive analysis performed with scientific instrumentation of avant-garde if not experimental (riflettografie, stratigrafie, analysis to fluorescence X). It then has the complex operation of harmonic construction of frames pellizziani identifying compositional schemes geometric and bright, proportions and constant values, the movement of the line force.

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