


Località: Via Libertà , Castello di Vigoleno - Vigoleno - Piacenza

The Oratory of the Madonna delle Grazie

The Oratory of the Madonna delle Grazie is an elegant building from the beginning of the Seventeenth century the village of Vigoleno, in Emilia Romagna. To plant late mannerist, presents in the eardrum the coat of arms of the noble Scotti, and on the right side there is a high relief depicting San Rocco, holy pilgrim which originally the same was dedicated. At the oratory, in fact, is documented the existence of an ancient hospitable. Is preserved inside a fine fresco of the Nursing Madonna dated 17 October 1414, the work of De Magnanis Marcus et fraters, framed by a magnificent wooden soasa seventeenth century. On the sides of the building are the altar dedicated to Saint Francis of Assisi and the altar of the Madonna of the Rosary. The space hosts cultural events and art exhibitions and can be visited during these events.

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