It was erected in 1636 from the last Duca della Corgna Fulvio II Alessandro (1589-1647) to fulfill a vow made to San Domenico di Guzmà n, so that his wife to heal from a serious gangrene to arm (are still preserved the tools that served for the operation).
The Church in baroque style according to the taste of the time, is composed of two large classrooms: the first corresponds to that where we celebrate religious rites, the second to the sacristy, in which are preserved the relics (including the bust of Santa Barbara, donated by Duchess Eleonora) and convene meetings of the confreres of the Venerable Compagnia di San Domenico.
The inside, rectangular, is embellished by a rich high altar with the painting of the Virgin with the Child and, at the sides, the wooden statues of San Domenico and the archangel Michele, attributed to the Flemish artist Girolamo Scaglia. To the left of the main altar, a port communicates with the chapel of the Savior or of Suffrage, said cemetery also because there were buried many castiglionesi.
The name the must to a wooden statue in the seventeenth century of Christ scourged that still adorns. Along the right wall of the compartment, divided by a railing in wrought iron, align two tombs: the poet bernesco of court Cesare Caporali (1531-1601) and under the simulacrum of Sant’Agostino, the last duke of Castiglione del Lago Fulvio II Alessandro della Corgna (1589-1647).