Also known as the Archive Palace, the Sovana’s Town Hall was built in the XII century to host the municipal seat of Sovana, which precisely in that period he knew a strong expansion after the glories of the Etruscan Age. The original structure of the medieval era remained intact until 1433, year in which Sovana was besieged for retaliation by the troops of the earldom of Pitigliano, following the killing of Conte Friendly Orsini: the serious damage suffered by the structure made necessary a profound restructuring. In 1588 was built the clock and, in seventeenth century, the bell-tower was added to sail: precisely during the seventeenth century the palace began to host the archive of Sovana, for which reason it is also known under that name.
The palace is composed of two bodies of the factory adjacent rectangular: one that overlooks piazza is on three levels, while that behind is constituted by two levels, being devoid of the last floor. The external walls are completely covered in tuff and, on the facade southern side, slope down with a base with a shoe that affects both the bodies of the factory. The main facade, placed on the side shorter than the perimeter planimetric, overlooks the short side west of Piazza del Pretorio, from which you can access through the simple entrance portal of rectangular shape that opens in the center of the same facade. The first raised level opens a single window to arch in the central part, while the second raised level there is faced with two identical boxes (one on each side of the facade). At the center of the top is placed a large clock of quadrangular shape covered by a small canopy, above which rises a characteristic bell tower with a bell placed in the cell, which rests on the central part of the roof covering the facade.