


Località: Via Monte Conero, 26 - Sirolo - Ancona

Abbey of San Pietro al Conero

The Abbey of San Pietro al Conero exists at least from 1038, the year in which it is joined to the hermitage of San Benedetto. The peaceful coexistence between the two Hermitages will last until 1518, when the bishop of Ancona decided to entrust the abbey of San Pietro to the hermits of Santa Maria Gonzaga and subsequently to the Camaldolese Congregation. Since then began the misunderstandings. As a result of a fire that broke out in 1558, the gonzaghiani forsook the place and the two churches have been united under the common Camaldolese authorities which remained until the Unity of Italy. Of the abbey remains that the romanesque church restored at the beginning of the XIII century. The plant is the basilica has three naves divided by pillars composites alternated with cylindrical pillars. The bell tower is of the XIII century while the facade is the eighteenth-century. The remarkable element in the structure is formed from a sculptural heritage. The decoration of the capitals, dating back to the XII century, denotes a refinement exceptional plastic that creates the usual subjects zoomorphic figures taken from the symbolic bestiary Paduan Romanesque. The capitals of the crypt, assignable to XI sec, instead proposes cubic types and korinthian imitation from schematic yield and flattened, capitals zoomorphic figures of style less rsipetto evolved to complex, qualitatively higher, of the church above.

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