


Località: Piazza Trieste - Sant’Agata de’ Goti - Benevento

Church of San Menna

The Church of San Menna in Sant’Agata De’ Goti consists of a basilica-like structure with a 10th-century central core, rebuilt and enlarged in the late 11th century. It was consecrated by Pope Paschal II in 1110, in devotion to the 6th-century hermit saint who lived on Taburno, whose mortal remains were transported here. The church preserves remarkable remains of a cosmatesque mosaic floor with geometric figures from the first decade of the 12th century, one of the oldest datable with certainty in southern Italy. Also conspicuous inside are fragments of 14th- and 15th-century frescoes and, under the main altar, a sarcophagus slab from the 7th-8th centuries.

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