


Località: Piazza Umberto I, 9 - Roccasecca dei Volsci - Latina
Phone number: 0773 920326

Museum of oil and folk traditions

Immerse yourself in the rich cultural history of Roccasecca dei Volsci by visiting the Museum of Oil and Popular Traditions. Installed inside the seventeenth-century oil mill of Palazzo Massimo, the museum is committed to preserving and revitalizing local culture through a journey of discovery of the memories and sociological and anthropological characters of peasant history through the centuries.

One of the distinctive aspects of the museum is its dedication to enhancing the culture of oil, as well as highlighting numerous ancient crafts that are at risk of extinction.

Inside, visitors can admire a vast display of artifacts, working tools, and a collection of valuable documents that tell the story of everyday life and the evolution of peasant, pastoral, and artisan civilizations. A visit to this museum offers a unique opportunity to learn about and appreciate the uniqueness and richness of Roccasecca dei Volsci’s folk traditions.

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