


Località: Piazza Cristoforo Bonavino, 7, località  Pegli - Pegli - Genova
Phone number: 010 6969885

Pegli Naval Museum

The Pegli Naval Museum is hosted inside Villa Doria Centurione. Together with the Galata − Sea Museum and theater museum of Commenda is part of the circuit of Mu.Ma Museum – Sea and migrations Museums institute founded in 2005. The exhibition illustrates the history of seafaring ligure through the collections of the Municipality of Genoa and those coming from private collections, in particular that donated to the village by eng. Fabio Garelli that constitutedì the first nucleus of the museum.

exhibition, reorganised in the early years two thousand, develops through eight halls, describing in the various sections the evolution, in Genoa and in the two Rivieras, activities linked to the sea (trade, shipbuilding, navigation and fisheries) starting from the Middle Ages. A section is dedicated to the Genoese colonies in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea between the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the età modern, another testifies to the gradual transition from sailing to steam, when the last large sailing ships built in steel continued to compete with the first steamboats, still too expensive and unreliable. The collection includes:

  • iconographic testimonies (paintings, watercolors, drawings, prints and engravings) since the eighteenth to the twentieth century, showing in particular the evolution of the port of Genoa and of shipbuilding, in addition to a collection of historical images of the village of Pegli;
  • marine cartography (maps, atlases, Marini) starting from the XVI century;
  • naval instruments of the beginning of the età modern and other objects in use in the maritime environment and ports;
  • ship models from various eras, both originals that modern reconstructions, between these the Three Caravelle of Colombo, a Genoese Galea and a Dutch frigate.

From Tuesday to friday 09-13.30
Saturday 10-18
Sunday 10-13
Monday closed

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