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Phone number: 075 830430

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TrasiMemo – Trasimeno Memory Bank

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TrasiMemo – Trasimeno Memory Bank

TrasiMemo is the result of a project for the ‘activation’ of memories, the recognition and protection of community cultural heritages, valorised through the participatory construction of a virtual archive and by means of some museum installations. The project contributes to restoring ‘resonance’ and visibility’ to artisanal knowledge in the Lake Trasimeno area; it documents the practices, cultural processes and social contexts linked to their collective use, so as to recognise their public social function.

It is designed to let craft knowledge speak through the use of the exhibition forms that characterise contemporary ethnographic museography: to tell the story of people, their stories, their worlds, leaving the role of symbolic intermediary to the materiality of objects. The people who have worked and are working in this area thus find a space where they can recount their lives as artisans, bricoleurs, hobbyists, passionate collectors, restorers, artists and inventors, and where they can plan future professional prospects. TrasiMemo is not intended to be a repository of memory, but a public space for educational, playful and debating involvement, in which residents and visitors can recognise themselves and confront each other.

The exhibition evokes the space of an archive within which one does not look for documents or volumes, but for stories and practices related to four craft fields: iron and metal, wood, terracotta and textiles. Four desks, one for each theme, look respectively at four large panels, which act as a guide to orient oneself in the archive. The visitor is invited to ‘use’ the exhibition to discover the excerpts of memories that are hidden in the tablets, in the drawers of the desks, in the archive drawer, in the large printed wall… thanks to the virtual tour and the physical tour, one can recognise the signs of craftsmanship that explicitly characterise the surrounding landscape, to appreciate its complexity and fragility.

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