


Località: Via Maestra, 19 - Novalesa - Torino
Phone number: 0122 622640

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Museum of Alpine Religious Art

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Museum of Alpine Religious Art

The Museum of Alpine Religious Art of Novalesa is housed in the premises of the chapel of the Confraternity of SS. The sacrament, adjacent to the seventeenth century parish church of Santo Stefano, located in the heart of the country. On the facade, recently restored, is visible a cycle of frescoes of the Vices and Virtues.

It gathers the works of sacred art of greater value from this alpine valley, which has always been an important stage in the connections between the north and the south of Europe. Part of the Diocesano Museum System of Susa, the museum was born with the aim to preserve and enhance the numerous and important artistic testimonies, some of which are significant at European level, hosted in the parish church of Novalesa The collections affect different historical eras, starting from the Roman period, Longobard Carolingian, Napoleonic and.

The Museum houses an extraordinary exhibition of objects of art, among which a relic of time late ancient period, elements of statues, paintings and fabrics. The visit, as well as on the premises of the renovated chapel of brotherhood, also includes the adjacent parish church, which houses among other valuable paintings of the school of Caravaggio, Rubens, Le Moyne and Daniele da Volterra, transferred to the will of Napoleon from Paris to the Hospice of the Moncenisio, and thence in Novalesa

True jewel is the urn containing the relics of S. Eldrado, Abbot of Novalesa in the IX century, work of argentiere renano mosano-of the XII century, which has many similarities with similar products kept at Saint Maurice d’Agaune, in Valais (Switzerland).

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