The Malatesta Fortress of Montefiore Conca rises on a hill at 385 m.s.l., in a strategic position that allows to dominate a unique panorama that in the past it was the military luck today and breathtaking scenery. The imposing fortress, with its lines of strict geometric and was built during the XIV century by the Malatesta family. Dates back to this time one of the periods of maximum splendour of the village with a population that was prowling around the 720 unit. The fortress was born as a mighty war machine forming part of a system of defensive structures dedicated to the control of the territories of the Malatesta. In the second half of 1300, and in particular during the regency of Malatesta Ungaro, for the military aspect was flanked by the residential building. The fortress of Montefiore Conca enlarged and enriched with frescoes and decorations, became with its spacious lounges, one of the summer residences favored by family and representation place ready to receive guests of the caliber of the King of Hungary Luigi D’Anjou, Pope Gregory XII before and Giulio II then, and many others. With the conquest of Montefiore Conca by the troops of Federico da Montefeltro area returned from the XVI century under the direct control of the Holy See so much so that the villagers scolpirono on the entrance door of the Borgo, Porta Curina, the weapon of Pius II. From 1463 to 1530 succeeded to the regency of Montefiore several owners among which recalls the employment of Cesare Borgia (1503), the Republic of Venice (1504 – 1505) and from 1514 of the prince of Macedonia Constantine Comneno, who died here in 1530. The second half of the XV century the Fortress, properties of the Papal State until the Unity of Italy, underwent a process of progressive abandonment. Carelessness, plundering, earthquakes, wars and other devastations reduced the entire structure to a state of degradation that you placò only after the Second World War. The first major restoration campaigns took place between the years ’50 and ’70 predisposero and reconstruction works partially unreasonable, but fundamental for a first preservation of the building. The path to visit, in addition to the environments castellari, as the room of the Emperor with frescoes by Jacopo Avanzi, the Throne Room, some environments with historical reconstructions and the panoramic terraces, also provides a rich exhibition of archaeological finds discovered during the archaeological excavations in the pits by butto, which make it possible to reconstruct portions of the daily life of the bobbin during the occupation of the Malatesta and Montefeltro. The presence of towers, fortresses and defensive walls and castles that still today characterises the Romagna and the Marche dates back to the Early Middle Ages. In this era of the neighboring families and often rivals of the Malatesta and Montefeltro fortified all strategic points giving rise to a real network of defensive structures communicating between them: a time threatening impregnable and today, picturesque corners of peace.