


Località: Piazza del Duomo, 16 - Monte Compatri - Roma

Church of Santa Maria Assunta in Cielo

By the will of Cardinal Scipione Borghese the church entitled to Our Lady of the Assumption, was built as of 1630 over a previous church dedicated to Saint Brigitte. In 1633, it was blessed by the Bishop of Camerino Giovanni Altieri but was only consacrated in 1773 by Cardinal Duke of York Bishop of Tusculum. The façade is likely to be work of Carlo Rainaldi while the transept, apse and dome belong to the mastermind of Luca Casimini (1876). The original structure, as written in a manuscript of the archpriest Valeriano Marini, included a nave with seven altars and a bell-tower where the Chapel dedicated to the Madonna di Loreta stands today. In 1865, during the visit of Pope Pius IX, the authorities took advantage and asked for help to extend the church, which was then a rather modest size. The Pope promised help with the restructuration of the church and sent free labour carried out by prison convicts. In 1876, part of the interior was restored, including the high altar, by a private citizen Luigi Nardella, while part of the vault collapsed during the earthquake in 1899. In 1900, the church was rebuilt and the following year consecrated by Cardinal Severino Vanutelli. In 1933, the restoration work of the choir, the replacement of the windowpanes and the decoration of the side chapels were completed. Inside you can see the important painting of the Morte di San Francesco (the Death of St. Francesco) and the Vergine con Bambino e Santi (the Virgin with Child and Saints) by Vanni and Passignano.

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