


Località: Via Porta del Girone, 14 - Longiano - Forlì Cesena
Phone number: 0547 665484

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Malatesta Castle and Balestra Collection

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Malatesta Castle and Balestra Collection

Records show that there has been a fortress to defend Longiano’s population since 1059. From 1290 until 1463, it was home to Rimini’s noble Malatesta family, who fortified and extended the castle. Count Guido Rangoni of Modena received the Longiano area in perpetual fiefdom from Pope Leo X in 1519, upon which he altered the castle structure. He had the Malatesta fortifications removed and a loggia built; the latter can still be walked through to this day. In the 19th century, the interiors of the castle underwent considerable change. The castle housed the Town Council until 1989, when it became the permanent home to the Tito Balestra Charitable Foundation’s collection of 20th-century Italian contemporary art. Art affords unusual experiences, and opens our minds to stimulating worlds full of possibilities; it would be a pity then to miss out on a visit to one of Italy’s finest 20th century art collections! The Tito Balestra Charitable Foundation was set up to preserve and enhance the art collection that belonged to poet Tito Balestra (Longiano, 1923-1976) and offers an intense cultural programme. Over the years, the Collection has seen the addition of new donations. Amongst others, visitors can admire works by Chagall, De Pisis, Goya, Guttuso, Maccari, Mafai, Matisse, Morandi, Kokoschka, Rosai, Sironi and Vespignani. Open every day except Monday: 10am -12 pm/3 pm- 7pm (in August: 4 pm-8pm)

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