


Località: Piazza della Repubblica - Magliano in Toscana - Grosseto

Church of St John the Baptist at Magliano in Toscana

The Church of St John the Baptist in Magliano has Romanesque origin but of composite aspect for the subsequent transformations. The windows in the left flank are gothic, the facade of sober elegance, Renaissance (1471). Remarkable also the apse part, accompanied on the right by a pointed belltower.

The interior has one nave, with ceiling supported by three arches in the center, the triumphal arch rests on two Romanesque columns with capitals decorated. The walls, votive frescoes of the XV and XVI century of the Sienese school. In the apse, tabernacle to the wall of the beginning of the XIII century with, in the architrave, the hammer (coat of arms of the Community) and the inscription in Gothic letters of the maker (M. Nicholaus (1135)). To the left, refined travertine baptismal fountain to six panels, dated 1493.

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