


Località: Via A. Wyatt, 54 - Menaggio - Como
Phone number: 0344 32924

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La Crocetta and the defence Line Linea Cadorna

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La Crocetta and the defence Line Linea Cadorna

From the village Croce, 2 km above Menaggio, over an easy trail you can reach Belvedere la Crocetta (450 m) from where can enjoy a lovely view of Menaggio and the central lake area. Here stands the chapel S. Maurizio dedicated to the “arm of the Alpini“. Around the area you encounter a large number of trenches. They are part of the great defence line called “Linea Cadorna”, built in 1915 along the Swiss-Italian border, fearing a possible German offence. In the province of Como it extended from Monte Bisbino near Como to Sasso Cordona, Monte Galbiga and Monte Crocione and from there down to the Crocetta. It was never armed or used leaving though in the area its important net military roads, observation points in galleries hewn in the mountains and trenches.

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