located close to the famous neighborhood of ceramics, the castle of Grottaglie was for centuries a symbol of the feudal power of Bishops Tarantini. Today the castle is characterised by the presence of the ancient tower internal (over 28 meters) articulated on four floors independent from each other and from the main building, where he had the seat of the Bishopric, with its internal loggia.
In the south-east, within environments formerly used as stables, has today an important Museum of Ceramics: inside numerous ceramic articles of household and ornamental representative of tradition local figulina. In the halls of the castle are held every year two important festivals: the exhibition of ceramics (August/September) and the exhibition of Nativity (December-January), with numerous works representing the craft industry figulino grottagliese and its ancient history.
In addition to the higher salt of the castle can be visited on the occasion of the annual exhibition, also deserve a visit the two gardens of the ancient medieval building, the mediterranean garden and the garden Giacomo d’Atri.
Summer hours: Lug-Ago: 10-13 and 17-21. Set: 10-14 and 17-20.
Open Days: July, August and September all Saturdays, prolonged opening up to 23.
Free entrance