


Località: Piazzale Santuario angolo Madonna della Neve, 29 - Grazie - Mantova
Phone number: 0376 349122

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Museum of Madonnari

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Museum of Madonnari

aim of the museum is to preserve and transmit the art of drawing and painting in the manner of the Madonnari. Here is preserved and exposed a large number of works by masters Madonnari. Unique masterpieces and creations of all originals mingle with reproductions on panels and cardboards of operas performed previously on squares. The exhibition unfolds in a thematic route illustrating the artistic evolution of this ephemeral art: it passes from the work of the first Madonnari, guardians of the ancient and simple styles of street arts, to contemporary experimentation focused on the technical skill of the artist.

A further peculiarity of the Museum consists of a original series of molds of beaten earth, amalgamated with straw on a support of a metal mesh, dried in the sun and treated with egg white and then painted on the lines of the materials available to the dawn of painting madonnara, when the instruments and the modern substances still do not exist. From this experimentation are born Inedit Compositions of rare beauty, in which the natural cracks of the earth, more or less accentuated, exalt the design and colors used.

Opening times: Friday 15-18., Saturday and Sunday 10.30-12.30 and 15-18.
It is possible to request the reservation for days and different times.
Input to free offer.

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