


Località: Corso Mazzini, 192 - Comacchio - Ferrara
Phone number: 0533 81742

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Marinated Factory Museum

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Marinated Factory Museum

The Comacchio Valleys municipal company has performed his duties in three fundamental areas: the fish culture of mirrors lagoons and fishing; vigilance against illegal fishing; the internal administration and marketing of fish. Starting from the first decades of the Twentieth Century is managed by the Company also a factory for fish processing, activities previously performed by a myriad of private individuals. L’entire machining cycle of eels and acquadelle took place at the premises of the Manifattura. The institution of the new laboratory of the Traditional marinated Eel from Comacchio Lagoons has allowed the resumption of the most traditional processing of the village of Trepponti Bridge.

The Fires’ Hall is the “heart” of the Manifattura dei Marinati. Its construction dates back to the beginning of 1900, it connotes the presence of twelve large chimneys, arranged on a single line and distributed in five pairs to which are added the first and the last: each pair of chimneys is interspersed with a niche.

The Calata was mainly a wharf of landing for the delivery of raw materials useful for processing. In this room was downloaded the fished intended to marinade and was selected for size.

Vinegars’ Hall
In the Nineteenth Century tanning to conserve the fish was prepared in a tub fitted with a tap useful the tapping. The mixture of vinegar and salt was emulsified with a pallet and, when it was found the perfect preparation, was used for the marinade of acquadelle and eels. In the following century the preparation of the brine è was carried out in barrels and casks of different shape and capacity.

The marinated Eel
The traditional procedure for the production of marinated eel provides four principal phases of processing: cutting, spiedatura, cooking and packaging. the cooking time is the most important part throughout the process: the art to govern the fire and the spit affects the effectiveness of the whole process. In this way the eel maintains unaltered its organoleptic characteristics for several months. The traditional processing takes place in the Hall of the burners of the Manifattura dei Marinati where in the autumn-winter you can see the entire preparation cycle of the eel.

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