


Località: Via dei Longobardi, 291 - Chiusi - Siena
Phone number: 0578 20177

Chiusi National Archaeological Museum

Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Chiusi

The Chiusi national archaeological museum gathers numerous finds coming from the excavations in the area, in particular canopic ancient and typical sarcophagi. With the museum ticket you can also visit the tomb of the Lion, the tomb of the Pilgrim and, on booking, the tomb of the Monkey. Attached to it there is also an important restoration laboratory, specializing in archaeological material. In the portico is located a series of funerary inscriptions, stones and marble statues, coming from the tomb of the gens Allia on Via Cassia (end of the I century B.C.). The exposure is sorted by chronological and thematic criteria, with a close connection with the territory of Chiusi. Where possible is always indicated the place of finding and some maps makes it easier to locate in the area. The first room is dedicated to the Age of iron and bronze, in addition to the step “orientalisation” of Etruscan production. There are both objects of local production and other objects of importation in antiquity as the buccheri with decoration to the cylinder. The next room trace the peculiar production chiusina between the VII and VI centuries B.C., centerd on the canopic anthropomorphic, among which stands out the famous Canopus Of Dolciano, place in a throne of bronze decorated in cantilever fashion. Another room shows the stone carving fetid, with statues used as cinerari, reliefs and funerary sculptures, as the figures of sphinxes or women weeping. The lower floor is dedicated to the archaeological finds of Hellenistic and Roman times. There are numerous urns in marble and alabaster, characterized by an idealized portrait of the deceased lying down on the cover and mythological scenes on the casing; the most ancient invokes the Greek mythology, the subsequent ones have winged monsters of the netherworld etrusco; often the urn preserves the name of the deceased. Among the specimens more refined figure the alabaster urn of Larth Sentinates Caesa, from the tomb of the pilgrim. The Roman period is documented by the sealed ceramic production of Arezzo, glasses, bronzes, funeral cippus, some statues (a Augusto, a statue brainless and portraits of the II and III century) and an honorary basis. Closed is the Etruscan city that has returned the greatest number of enrolments of Hellenistic age, to witness the extraordinary literacy and cultural flowering of those period. Follows a section on the Lombard art (Closed was an important Duchy), with various materials found in tombs of the area of Arcisa: weapons, fibulae and jewelry. The tomb of the pilgrim is situated about 2 km from the village on the road to the lake of Chiusi, in the necropolis of Poggio Renzo. It owes its name to the farm at which it is located. The tomb, open to the public, belonged to the family of Sentinates and dates back to the end of the IV-beginning of III century B.C. today it has five sarcophagi and twelve urns in alabaster marble and travertine. It is composed of a long dromos of input, along which opens four niches and three burial chambers. The Tomb of the monkey is located in the Necropolis of Poggio Renzo, four kilometers from the town of Chiusi and is attributable to 480-470 B.C. was discovered by Alessandro François in March 1846 and takes its name from the depiction of a monkey painted in the frieze that adorns the central chamber of the tomb. The hypogeum has cross plan with three rooms open onto a central atrium, besides a dromos entrance stepped. All rooms, including the central one (atrium), have funeral beds carved out in the rocks, carved in low relief in the form of klinai (beds for the banquet). The ceilings are paneled, imitating wooden models and in part paintings. The Paintings of the tomb, apart from the figures of two men and a snake bearded on the walls of the chamber of the bottom, are concentrated in a band of limited width in the central atrium, above a socle green.

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