


Località: Piazzetta E. Duse, 221 - Asolo - Treviso
Phone number: 0423 529046

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Castle of Asolo

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Castle of Asolo

The castleof Asolo, together with the Rocca one of the symbols of the landscape asolano, seems to date back to the X century. Also known with the name of the Palazzo Pretorio, up to the construction of the medieval walls which the congiungevano alla Rocca, had an independent way of life and, in part, opposed to this. At the end of the fourteenth century it was welded to the city walls. Of the four towers that characterize it remain today three, the civic tower or bell, the Reata tower with function of prison and the tower of the Wagon now included in the house adjoining called La Torricella.

In 1489 it became the residence of Caterina Cornaro and in this building and in its garden Pietro Bembo set the “Asolani” dialogs. In 1798 the vast interior lounge was transformed into a theater, while a whole wing was demolished in 1820. The elegant architectural structure of the theater, dismantled in 1930 to make room for a new cinema hall, was sold to the venetian collector Adolph Loewi and is now been fitted in Sarasota, Florida.

The original complex remain part of the walls, the external walls of the current theater, the Clock Tower and the Torre Mozza said Reata. Currently inside the castle there is a new theater entitled to Eleonora Duse and a restaurant/bar.

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