


Località: Via Fontane del Duca, 3 - Castell'Arquato - Piacenza

Farnese Tower

The Torrione Farnese or Torrione del Duca, due to its proximity to the Duke’s Palace, is an imposing 16th-century military structure located in the town of Castell’Arquato, in the province of Piacenza. Its imposing presence dominates the surrounding landscape and is one of the main landmarks for visitors to the area.

The plan of the Torrione Farnese is square in shape with four bastions at the corners, giving the structure considerable strength and robustness. The bastions are connected by large round arches, while the whole is topped by a loggia with sixteen pillars.

The Torrione Farnese consists of four floors, the last of which is formed by an elliptical room outlined by the loggia. Within four of the five floors is a vast central room that leads into smaller rooms within the bastions. Three have octagonal plans; the western one, which contains a winding, steep spiral staircase, has a central plan.

The structure is built entirely of brick, a very strong and durable material that has enabled the structure to withstand the wear and tear of time and the elements. The four sturdy bare walls sandwiched between very prominent trapezoidal corner bastions pierced by small, rectangular windows give the Torrione an unparalleled majesty.

The Torrione Farnese represents one of the most important masterpieces of sixteenth-century Italian military architecture. Its imposing presence and architectural beauty make it one of the main points of interest for tourists and lovers of history and art.

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