Dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta and is built on the ruins of the old romanesque church of 1348, of which remains the massive bell tower. Its current building was designed by architect Roberto Mastropasqua from Giovinazzo and was built by the firm bitontina brothers Sannicandro in 1858. It was consecrated by the Archbishop Ernesto Mazzella on Christmas Eve in 1988. Its facade is time to east and inside consists of three naves. In the central nave you can admire a painting that represents the Assumption into heaven of the Madonna made by the painter Michele Montrone. On the side walls there are two medallions depicting Pope Pius XII and Pope Pius IX the works of painter Umberto Column, also author of the paintings of the central nave and the dome. In the right aisle is located a large crucifix wood of the XVI century and a tabernacle with silver candlesticks and you can also admire the cross in silver in which there is a relic of the Cross of Jesus. On the side walls there are paintings oil on canvas of the XVIII century representing the Glory of St. Clear, the Madonna with Angels, San Domenico, San Gaetano and the Holy Family. The side awake we can admire a pedestal that contains the relics of S. Zenone, first patron of Cassano, Hannibal of France, Blessed James of Bitetto, San Pio da Pietrelcina, S. Rita, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, S. Basil, S. Ursula and sculptures dating back to the primitive Church. In the left nave you can admire the pulpit in carved walnut, the Naca and the statues of S. Vincenzo De Paola and Veronica and San Francesco.