


Località: Località  La Sega - Capriana - Trento
Phone number: 0462 816133

Mill of the Blessed Meneghina

The Blessed Meneghina, is a very important figure for the village of Capriana and Valle di Fiemme. In 1833, while working in the fields, Our Lady appeared to her for the first time. After this episode had other apparitions. To Capriana you will find different places and structures, both civil and religious, who remember Domenica Lazzeri between which the mill of the Milanese located in the valley of the Rio Bianco, between Capriana and Carbonare, is the place in which they worked both the blessed and her family.

Every Sunday of May, June, July: 14.30-18.
Every Sunday of April, August and September: 14-17.30.
Free entrance (other days/times/groups on request).

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