The Nuraghe S’Ortali ‘e su Monti, or the nuraghe San Salvatore, has a wall to plant irregularly elliptical, non-canonical, a central tower and lateral towers dating back to 1500 b.c.. In stratigraphy were found also burials in Roman times. The entrance has an architrave surmounted by a triangular window, with the purpose of lightening the weight of the masonry. The block of architrave originates from the reuse of a menhir, perhaps coming from the alignment (which remain two) that insists on the nearby hill.
Outside the walls were in the past were discovered some nuragic huts and, toward the north, an area intended for the storage of grain, guarded in ten silos. Many of the huts were also equipped with millstones. This discovery has made it possible to hypothesise that the main activity exerted by the inhabitants of the village was the cultivation of wheat and its subsequent processing. Near the sacred area Neolithic settlement of the nearby hill the inhabitants of the village built a giants tomb for the burial of their deceased. Near the nuraghe is present also a tomb in cave of the Recent Neolithic (domus de janas).