The Cenacolo of Montauto is a franciscan convent built in the Sixteenth Century. Situated at an altitude of 494 m.s.l.m, composed of a chapel and a church, both dedicated to San Francesco stigmatized. The complex was founded by Frederick Barbolani, accounts of Montauto. The tradition says that in 1224 St Francis, returning from Verna, paused at the Castello di Montauto where he left the habit bloodied by the Stigmata, which was then stolen and brought to Florence in the church of Ognissanti. In 2001 it was reported to La Verna. Currently the Cenacle there is a relic of that Saio (a small piece of cloth).
The church was consecrated in 1578, is rectangular in shape with raised presbytery covered by vaulted ceiling, while the nave has a wooden roof. The single internal hall has 3 side chapels, crypt and choir. Presents a façade characterized by an oculus over the portal, that illuminates the inside, to the sides there are two loggias equal that separated the church from the Cenacle.
In the XVII century it was suppressed for some years during the French domination of Tuscany, the presence of the Capuchins was however continues until 1956, date on which it was abandoned. Currently belongs to the Sisters of Our Lady of the withdrawal to the Upper Room, to which was entrusted in 1960 by the bishop of Sansepolcro Mons. Domenico Bornigia you founded the house for spiritual exercises still in activity.