


Località: Via Miniere, 1, Località  Pedemonte - Alagna Valsesia - Vercelli

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Walser Museum

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Walser Museum

The Walser Museum of Alagna Valsesia is set in a typical Walser house of 1628 on three floors. Inside they are reconstructed with great accuracy the environments of an old house that illustrate how was life on these mountains a few centuries ago. The Walser built homes that accommodated under the same roof barn, the spaces destined to rest, in social life and the preservation of the foods, in a harmonious synthesis of the fundamental need for these farmers at high altitude. The Museum shows how the ancient walser knew how to realize inside the house an efficient system that is well suited to their needs of self-sufficiency and tells the daily life through the instruments of common use, with a careful path in the material culture of the ancient alagnesi.

The building of three floors, has the base of stone, built in dry, on which rests the wood part “Blockbau”, entirely original wood while the cover is in piode “cockroaches”, stone slabs. In the present arrangement of the museum in the basement are the stable “Godu”, with the floor in Sasso, stay “Stand” adjacent to and communicating with it, with wooden floor, kitchen “Firhus” with the tools for the cooking of foods, the room for the processing of milk and the local for the preparation of the yarns and weaving hemp. On the mezzanine floor, above the stables, are done the bedroom (“Stuba”) with the alcove, a room for the storage of tools used by carpenters, the local handicraft objects and the room of the documents. On the top floor you visit the barn (“Stodal”) with exposed tools for agriculture and for the machining of wood and the dispensation (“Spicher”) with shelves and racks used for storing cereals and cereal foods. Around the building are perfectly preserved the loggias with perches, characteristic of the Alagna Walser houses.

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