
Agro-pastoral village, Martano is particularly characterized by the production of oil and tobacco. The characteristics of the “Ancient Earth” name with which the historical center of Martano was defined recall the Byzantine chora, originally surrounded by defensive towers and the castle with a large moat repeatedly modified, so as to appear more like a marquis palace.

Martano, Palazzo Micali
Martano, Palazzo Pino
Martano, Palazzo Antonaci

Martano (Martána in griko, Martanu in Salento dialect) is located in the Salento The center-east and is part of the so-called Grecia Salentina, an area ellenofona which speaks an ancient language of Greek origin, the griko.

The grecanico or griko (even grico) is a dialect (or group of dialects) type neo-Greek remainder probably of a wider and more continuous linguistic area ellenofona existed formerly in the coastal part of the Magna Grecia. The greeks today call the Katoitaliótika language (in Greek Italian "Southern"). The language, written in Latin characters, has points in common with the neogreco and in the meantime the words that are the fruit of apparent influences leccesi or anyway romance. Today in Martano The griko is spoken mainly by older people, even if it is understood by a band of wider population.

The origins of Martano risalirebbero to prehistory as contemplated by the presence of megalithic monuments such as the Specchia dei Mori (in griko secla demonìu tu) and the menhir of Theophilus, representing the menhir highest in the region. These monuments were places of worship of the populations Japigee.

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire the town was inhabited by settlers coming from the east and from 476 fell under the dominion of the greeks undergoing a process of grecizzazione lasted over five centuries. The Greek influence and then byzantine radically influenced the habits and the local language (Griko). The Greek culture persists and is still observable today in the traditions and folklore.

In 1190, during the norman period, Tancredi d'Altavilla granted the fief to Giorgio Rome to which succeeded Riccardo de Martano in 1269, Goffredo de castles in 1300 and Rinaldo de Hugot. From 1545 it became a fief of the bucally, in 1591 the De' Monti, in 1698 the Marquis, in 1742 of Brunossi, and finally in 1748 was bought by Gadelata that were the last feudal lords.

Certainly deserve a visit the Chiesa Matrice church, the monastery of Santa Maria della Consolazione and the Casale di Apigliano.

Village of Martano
Municipality of Martano

Province of Lecce
Apulia Region

Population: 9.151
Altitude centre: 91 m s.l.m.

the municipality is part of: 
Borghi Autentici d'Italia
Città dell'olio
Unione Grecìa Salentina

Piazzetta Matteotti 11 - Tel. +39 0836 575272

Authentic Italian villages
Village with castle
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  • From the north: take the A14 motorway to Bari. From here continue south along the Bari-Lecce highway. Once in Lecce take the S.S. 16 "Adriatica" towards Maglie. At about 17 km you will find the junction for Martano.


  • Lecce station


  • Brindisi airport

  • Sunday after 2 February - Fair of the Candlemas. The Fair is the products of agriculture, livestock, mainly horses, (with breeders who are far from the Basilicata and Campania) equipment for agriculture and handicraft products of crafts and industry. on 2 February we celebrate the presentation of the Lord,  call vulgarly feast she Candlemas, because in this day you bless the candles,symbol of Christ, the "light for revelation to the Gentiles", as is defined Jesus at the time of the presentation in the Temple of Jerusalem. The feast of Candlemas in Martano is also said of the purification of Mary, becauseé according to the Hebrew tradition, a woman, for a period of forty days after the birth of a male, was considered unclean and had to go to the Temple to purify themselves. This tradition from the Near East passò in Rome and, already in the VII century d.C., had reached a great importance. The feast of Candlemas in Martano marks the passage between the winter and spring, but, if this day the time is ugly, winter will last another month at least and there will be needed then, still wait that the cold steps of everything.
  • February - Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.
  • Second Sunday after Easter - Feast neighborhood of Theophilus.
  • Third Sunday after Easter - Feast of the Madonnella.
  • May - Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.
  • Summer - Open Courtyards. The mostù beautiful courtyards and palaces of the country are open to the public for three evenings.
  • October - Festival de la volìa cazzata (Festival of the crushed olive)
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