


Località: Piazza Città  - Vipiteno - Bolzano
Phone number: 0472 765323

Church of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit Church, built in 1399, is one of the best preserved Gothic churches in South Tyrol. In the Middle Ages it belonged to the hospice and provided board and lodging for strangers and pilgrims.

It is characterised on the outside by a hanging bell tower and is also of great artistic interest on the inside. The fresco cycle in the church was painted in 1402 by Master Hans from Bruneck with the help of his brothers Christoph and Erasmus.

The frescoes depict the Annunciation, the Garden of Olives, the Kiss of Judas, Christ before Pilate, the Coronation of Thorns, the Flagellation, the Resurrection of Christ and, on the west wall, the Last Judgement. The vaults contain medallions and panels depicting the figures of the Prophets and Fathers of the Church and the symbols of the Evangelists.

Stylistically, the frescoes are strongly influenced by the works of Giotto di Bondone and recall the style of the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua. The Bruneck Masters have skilfully combined the soft international style with the stylistic forms of Giotto di Bondone, who had a long influence on the South Tyrolean area.

On the west wall, which is dedicated to the Last Judgement, classic medieval themes are also found. Echoing the polemics of the pauperist movements against the earthly wealth of the church, the artist has included various religious figures among the damned: clerics in tonsure, a pope and two cardinals wearing the mitres of the pastoral dignity they betrayed.

Opening hours: Monday – Saturday 8:30 – 18:00. Closed on Sundays and public holidays.

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