


Località: Via S. Giovanni, 1 - 12037 - Saluzzo - Cuneo
Phone number: 0175 46710

Church of San Giovanni at Saluzzo

Seat of the Dominican city since 1325, the Church of San Giovanni appears to be the most important building in the village until the construction of the Duomo, which underwent significant structural changes over the centuries.

The exterior of the church has a salient façade on which, in 1929, St. Christopher was frescoed, an imitation of the one on the Rossana parish in Varaita Valley. The bell tower, built in 1376, has a rectangular base.
The interior of the church is divided into three naves. Along the side ones there are various chapels, among which: the chapel dedicated to the Saints Crispino and Crispiniano, with a cycle of frescoes concerning the Stories of the Passion of Christ (around 1430); the chapel of the Rosary (1660) in which the triptych painted by Pascale Oddone dedicated to the Madonna (1535) is preserved. The main altar is decorated with an imposing gilded wooden tabernacle (1610).
In the choir, there is the funerary chapel of the Marquises of Saluzzo, with the funeral monument of the Marquis Ludovico II (about 1508). From the left aisle you enter the cloister, built in 1466; on the capitals of the columns are the crests of the most important Saluzzo families.
On the west side there is the Cavassa chapel, decorated with frescoes dating back to the first half of the 1500s and which houses the funeral monument of Galeazzo Cavassa (1518-1523).On the same sleeve as the cloister is the refectory, with a coffered ceiling and a large fresco dating back to the early 1500s.

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