The Diana’s Fountain is a monumental fountain realized by Giulio Moschetti in 1907 sita in Piazza Archimede in Ortigia, Syracuse. The fountain is facing south and highlights the figure of Diana with bow and dog, the attributes of the goddess of hunting, protectress of Ortigia in greek age. At his feet there is Aretusa that stretches out while it is in progress the transformation in source. At the side Alfeo amazed for what is happening to his beloved. In the second order, inside the tank there are four Tritons that flocking two sea horses and two pistrici impennati on the waves. The tank end has some masks and coats of arms and followed a classic style of forms.
As can be inferred from an old postcard of the fountain, before the restoration of the square which has eliminated the lampposts little distant from the tub, there was present a pattern in the shape of a twelve-pointed star with lines that ran along the axs of the square. This put on show the actual orientation of the fountain.