


Località: Frazione Borgetto - Novalesa - Torino
Phone number: 0122 622640

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Chapel of the Holy Virgin of Sorrows of Borgetto

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Chapel of the Holy Virgin of Sorrows of Borgetto

Scenes from the Passion of Christ (1734-38) in the Chapel of the Holy Virgin of Sorrows, in the locality of Borgetto. On the vault of the apse of the small chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows can be glimpsed in central quadrature of the composition, a depiction of a sheet sindonico supported by four small putti. At the sides of the representation you can see on the left two angels with the instruments of the Passion, on the right the other two angels with a “Veronica” and with a bowl and a jug of water. The entire chapel was restored between 1961 and 1966.

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