The church of Santo Stefano of the village of Montefioralle, in Tuscany, has a gothic structure remodeled between the XVII and the XVIII century. In the interior has a single nave and hosts several works of merit. The first altar on the right Santi Michele Arcangelo, Jacopo, Stefano and Domenico, canvas by Orazio Fidani dated 1647; on the main altar there is a table of the XV century depicting the Trinity and Saints, attributed to the master of the Epiphany of Fiesole; on the left the table depicting the Annunciation and saints of the Maestro of St Ivo and datable between 1395 and 1400; the first altar on the left is the work of most valuable email here and it is the table cuspidata della Madonna with Child of the so-called Maestro di Montefioralle, of the Florentine school and dated at the end of the thirteenth century. In the company there is a wooden crucifix from the seventeenth century and the nineteenth-century copy of the Madonna di porta Pinti of Andrea del Sarto.