The church of San Giorgio of Moneglia was built in 1396 by the work of the Benedictine monks, to whom succedeed, in 1494, the Franciscan friars. Inside it preserves a wooden group of Saint George and the dragon of the school of the sculptor Anton Maria Maragliano; a canvas of St George slaying the dragon attributed to Pieter Paul Rubens; a polyptych with san Lorenzo between Santa Chiara, San Paolo, San Francesco and San Leonardo with in the cusp a Baptism of Christ, attributed to Giovanni da Pisa; a polyptych with San Ludovico enthroned between the Saints Antonio Abate, Ambrose, Stefano Nicola and other saints inserted in the cusp and in the predella, Giovanni da Barbagelata; a Madonna with Saint Peter, the holy bishop and purgative souls of Carlo Dolci; a Adoration of the Magi by Luca Cambiaso, native of Moneglia.