


Località: Piazza del Popolo, 1 - Geraci Siculo - Palermo
Phone number: 0789 737400

Church of Santa Maria Maddalena

Santa Maria Maddalena is the main church of La Maddalena, located in Piazza Santa Maria Maddalena, not far from Cala Gavetta.
Built in Baroque style at the end of the 18th century, it is dedicated to the patron saint of the city and of the island of the same name.

In 1768, in the Collo Piano area, one of the first churches in the town known today as the Church of the Holy Trinity was built.
In the following years, considering the gradual shift of the population towards Cala Gavetta, it was necessary to erect another larger church, from which the Church of Santa Maria Maddalena was born.

Outside, it is possible to see the portal surmounted by a curved tympanum, inside which is placed the plaque with the Latin epigraph that recalls the year of construction of the temple (1814) and the benefactor, Baron Des Geneys.
The interior consists of a single nave, with nine chapels on each side with barrel vaults and a quadrangular presbytery with a semicircular apse. In the apse, above the choir, is the niche containing the wooden statue of Mary Magdalene, datable to the end of the ‘700.

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