The holy water stoup reports the date of 10 May 1446, while on the external frescoes appear dates 1537 and 1540; 1575 is the lectern in wood carved with the title to S. Caterina. Inside after the restoration campaign of summer 2012, are returned to the light, until then hidden by various hands of imbiancanture, precious frescoes related to the stories of the life and martyrdom of Santa Caterina d’Alessandria. In some panes of the apse wall are also represented Santa Maria Maddalena and San Francesco with the habit and the stigmata.
On the base of the altar is a fresco that represents the Veronica: The central subject is Santa Veronica, abbigliata with a red mantle that covers the head, which takes up the sheet which is imprinted with the face of Jesus. The composition is formed on a bottom ochre surrounded by a blue frame that resumes the colors of the apse wall of the chapel. The Painter, stylistically very valid, is identified for stylistic affinity with the teacher who painted the frescoes of the Church of San Sebastiano to Plampinet and those recently rediscovered in the chapel of the Annunciation of the Oulme in Salbertrand.