Also known as Oraziano or Campaglione Park, is an agricultural park historian born in order to safeguard the heritage of olive cultivation of territory of Venafro. It is located behind the Concathedral of the city and from the duomo of Venafro; comes up to the mountain and is traversed by a road.
Agriculture and the olive groves of Venafro are described since antiquity: Marco Porcio Catone, that in De Agriculture suggests to apply the agricultural techniques used in Venafro, Horace, which describes a Venafro cloaked in olive trees.
The vegetation is constituted exclusively by secular olive trees (Olea europaea) that are still being cultivated for the production of olive oil, already known in antiquity and cited by the poet Horace. In the park you will retain some of the archaeological remains: terracing in polygonal work, the remains of the aqueduct of the ancient Roman theater and the little church of the Madonna of the Free.
The park is used for walks and trips to the countryside, in particular on the occasion of the "Easter venafrana", the day after the feast of Easter Monday. From Campaglione depart mountain paths that reach the Torricella and Monte Santa Croce.