The first true feast of the new year, with the traditional 'tavolate sicule'. The tables and tavolate, altars filled with each well of God, were prepared in private homes as ex vote for the grace received. In Wednesday March you allestivano tables also called "virginedd'". They were smaller than with three or six guests representing the Sacred Family, were less expensive and generally families, that sometimes the repeated all years, asked the collaboration or even economic support to the collectivity (sometimes this form of mortification was desired and the mistress of the house was the colletta house to house). The Eve of Saint Joseph instead families who had vowed allestivano the table, largest and rich, which required a significant commitment of expenditure and of work that had lasted for several days. On the tables dominated the bread worked in the forms most imaginative, between which however could not miss the stick fiorito, an arm, the face of the Madonna, fish, etc. Then abundant omelets vegetables, fennel, typical sweets (besides the cannoli, the sphinxes, i.e. pancakes bread dough) and finally the firstfruits various: from broad beans with strawberries. The tables are ready the night before and until the following day are visitable. At noon of 19 are blessed and begin to be served diners institutional, boys and/or elderly poor in representation of the Sacred Family. Visitors are offered the pasta with mixed vegetables and bread.
Note: e-borghi is not responsible for the non-performance of the event and for changes in dates or locations by the organizations of the individual events.